
The History of Drakutera, Chapter 3

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After saying their goodbyes to their mentor Alumbrah, Luminausk and Evonura travelled out across the land. Not wanting to waste Metunae's power, they split the fruit and consumed it together, each pricking their tongues once again. Together, they saw everything that happened in the world's past, from the creation, to every second they breathed. Using this newfound knowledge, they went their separate ways to educate the beings of the world.

Things had not gone so well at first. For nearly a year, Luminausk and Evonura were recjected by the beings of the world. The Felids and Lagomorphs would give them no quater. The Canids and Avians fled from them in fear. Not even their fellow dragons would give them any time. Instead, the savage dragons of the world threatened them with aggression and death.

"Why do you fear me?" Luminausk would ask. "I do not wish to hurt you."

"We will not believe that which has eyes like the sun!" The dragons would cry. "Away with you, destructor!"

"I wish to help you." Evonura would say. "Please, stay and hear me out."

"Lies!" The dragons hissed. "You would surely consume us in your great darkness! Begone, devourer!"

Despite the tribulations they went through, Luminausk and Evonura continued on their quest. They knew that they could do great things for all beings, both dragon and nondragon.

On the anniversary of the day they left, Luminausk and Evonura returned to the island of Khidamun. When they met again, the found that Alumbrah had still refused to move from Metunae's grave.

"Would you join us for supper, mentor?" They asked him. "It has been so long."

"I will not leave Metunae's side." Alumbrah said sadly. "I have failed you all as a mentor, and am unworthy to dine with you."

Luminausk and Evonura sat with  him there for all the night. When morning came, the two left the island, to continue their mission. For a second year, they went their separate ways and tried to convince the beings of the world to head their worlds. At first, it seemed like it would only be a repeat of the previous year.

However, there came a day when Evonura was travelling though a thick jungle. During a thunderstorm, local village was overwhelmed by a ravaging flood. Many Felids and Lagomorphs were stuck in their homes, unable to get to safety. Springing to action, Evonura called upon the wind, commanding it to die down. She then used the wind to move at impossible speed, flying to the homes of each of the villagers. She took them in her arms and escorted them to safety, one by one. By the time the waves destoryed the village huts, Evonura had saved everyone in the village. They were frightened of Evonura's magic, at first, but were grateful that she had saved them all.

There came a time when Luminausk was travelling through a mountain range far to the south. There came a great earthquake in the ground beneath the mountains, rendering them unstable. Small villages built upon the mountains rumbled and shook. Several huts were torn asunder as the rock split open beneath them. Calling upon his magic, Luminausk placed his hands upon the mountain surface, commanding it to cease. He then willed all the crevices to seal themselves before any villagers fell in. The villagers surrounded Luminausk, praising him for saving their lives.

And so it went. Luminausk and Evonura sought out those in need of their aid. Over time, more and more beings across the land came to be grateful for their deeds. But still, there were some who feared them for their great magical power.

On the anniversary of their second year, Luminausk and Evonura returned to Khidamun. Still, they found that Alumbrah refused to budge. They sat with him for the whole night, and prepared to leave again in the morning. But when morning came, something was amiss. Metunae's grave was gone, as was Alumbrah.

"Where have you gone, mentor?" They asked. "What has become of Metunae's remains?" They searched the entire island for Alumbrah, but they never found a trace. Saddened by their loss, Luminausk and Evonura left Khidamun again, this time staying together.

For a few months, Luminausk and Evonura used their newly gained  trust from the beings of the world to begin teaching them. They taught them of the many ways to improve their lives, starting with a set of virtues Alumbrah had once imposed upon them:

Valor: Thou shalt uphold one’s convictions in the fires in your belly, even in the face of threats.

Compassion: Thou shalt recognize and share the feelings of your brethren, and never have a heart of ice.

Honor: Thou shalt stand for truth regardless of circumstance, and strike like lightning against corruption.

Justice: Thou shalt have the wisdom to perceive what is right and wrong in action, with conviction as strong as the earth.

Honesty: Thou shalt have scrupulous respect for truth, and willing to never cloud the mind with deception.

Humility: Thou shalt recognize the worthiness of all beings, and the perception of one’s place among them regardless of accomplishments and mistakes.

The beings of the world didn't take the virtues to heart very quickly. But Luminausk and Evonura were willing to be patient with them. Over time, the word of the virtues spread out throughout the lands. Word of Luminausk and Evonura travelled with them, and the beings of the world flocked to find them. There came a day when many dragons from thoughout the land came upon the island of Khidamun. There they found Alumbrah's temple, which towered high over their feeble huts and villages. A great many of the beings were too intimidated to venture into the temple. Some even chose to flee, refusing to overcome their fear.

But there were twelve dragons who refused to flee. Each was a master of an element of draconian magic. They ventured forth into the temple, to see what awaited inside. For three days, the twelve dragons explored the temple while the outside world waited and watched. The twelve ventured through the many halls, chambers, and passagways.

On the morning of the fourth day, the twelve dragons came upon a great coliseum. Six rows of audience bleachers formed a ring around the arena, while twelve mighty thrones sat in a circle in the center. Each of the twelve thrones was made of gold, silver, and the finest of cotton. In the center of the thrones stood Luminausk and Evonura, who smiled warmly upon the twelve.

"We welcome all into the temple, and the ways of enlightenment." Luminausk declared "But you are the greatest of your kind, and the first to venture inside."

"As such, you shall all share in the gift of a new power." Evonura said.

Luminausk and Evonura clasped their hands together in unison. With but a word from their lips, twelve crowns appeared on the twelve thrones. "Step forward, and claim your New Rights."

The twelve dragons sat down upon the twelve thrones, and each placed a crown upon their heads. Luminausk and Evonura imparted upon each of them a new name, and a new title.

The master of Pain was named Inferdus, King of the Clan Aries. He was given the sigil of the Crossed-Infinities, which was emblazoned upon his sides.

The master of Fauna was named Xerxon, King of Clan Taurus. He was given the sigil of the Fang, which was emblazoned on the right side of his throat.

The master of Lightning was named Castux, King of Clan Gemini. He was given the sigil of  the Twin Lightningbolts, which was emblazoned upon his left hand.

The master of Memory was named Fraedus, King of Clan Cancer. He was given the sigil of the Hermit Crab, which was emblazoned upon his chest.

The master of Sound was named Amadoven, King of Clan Leo. He was given the sigil of the Tripoint, which was emblazoned on the back of his throat.

The master of Earth was named Vistoph, King of Clan Virgo. He was given the sigil of the Inverted Circle, which was emblazoned on the square of his back.

The master of Time was named Vastuchanan, King of Clan Libra. He was given the sigil of the Scales, which was emblazoned on his right hand.

The master of Flora was named King Yggdo, King of Clan Scorpio. He was given the sigil of the Thorn, which was emblazoned on the left side of his throat.

The master of Fire was named Methios, King of Clan Sagittarius. He was given the sigil of the Arrowhead, which was emblazoned beneath his right horn.

The master of Space was named Koosmus, King of Clan Capricorn. He was given the sigil of the Hourglass, which was emblazoned upon both his shoulders.

The master of Wind was named Aeguston, King of Clan Aquarius. He was given the sigil of the Cyclone, which was emblazoned on the front of his throat.

And the master of Water was named Iathas, King of Clan Pisces. He was given the sigil of the Teardrop, which was emblazoned beneath his left horn.

Luminausk and Evonura summoned an image of the region between these twelve kings. The lands were divided up, and each king was given a country, and a kingdom from which to rule their land. They sent the twelve kings to gather the other dragons, and set out for these countries to build their kingdoms.

King Inferdus founded the city of Erebus, named after the tallest moutain in the Frozen North.

King Xerxon founded the city of Veraus, deep within the heart of the great, Raunn Jungle.

King Castux founded the city of Glenhaven, in the censer of the expansive Arcus Desert.

King Fraedus founded the city of Crossgale, in the land of jagged hills and valleys known as the Fractured Hills.

King Amadoven founded the city of Ferastia, within the wonderous Aechos Valley.

King Vistoph founded the city of Aeroshard, which sat upon the humid Mountains of Kylon.

King Vastuchanan founded the city of Gilderbead, in the center of the vegetative plains known as the Veros Expanse.

King Yggdo founded the city of Faeshrine, which sat before the mighty Deidus Forest.

King Methios founded the city of Ignys, on the largest island in the Pyrus Isles.

King Koosmus founded the city of Novus, on the largest of the Floating Plains to the far west.

King Aeguston founded the city of Oraestus, within the thunderous, Whispering Rainlands.

And King Iathas founded the city of Lakwryng, in the center of the Valley of Aether.

Once a year, during the Flood of Light, Luminausk and Evonura would have the twelve kings gather in the temple on Khidamun, to discuss everything from politics, to world events. And it was known as the Council of the Monarchs.
The founding of the twelve clans.

Previous Chapter: The History of Drakutera, Chapter 2

If anybody makes any comparisons to a Song of Ice and Fire, let me just say that I didn't watch Game of Thrones or read any of the books until last year. The idea for my world, the twelve clans, and other information has been floating around in my head for four years. If anything, my influences are Avatar: The Last Airbender, Kingdom Hearts, and Disney movies.
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gad333's avatar
this is a pretty cool series, keep up the good work